encapsuled: var(semic) is a generative conversation exploring the limitations and potential of human ideas read by machines. rooted in texts by David Hume & Ludwig Wittgenstein, Michelangelo, the artist known as encapsuled and Elisabeth Sweet discuss patterns, miracles, and uncertainty. an algorithm created by encapsuled reads the dialogue and answers a fourth question with an asemic interpretation. each of the three movements asks + gives the algorithm the final word.
first movement: PARSING PATTERNS
second movement: ONLY MIRACULOUS
third movement: INVISIBLE VALENCE
David Hume writes to understand the way we perceive + act in the world. experience comes from impressions which shape our perceptions of the world. we think, act, and operate based on our perceptions. we are what we experience and can never be anymore than that.
Ludwig Wittgenstein builds on Hume and explores the logical possibilities around how different experiences or impressions of the world might combine and decompose to create something new. both suggest that there is a prevailing order to the world, but that we can never know it because we cannot know every single piece that contributes to the whole.
Hume and Wittgenstein, specifically their respective works An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748) and Philosophical Investigations (1953), serve as the philosophical foundation of encapsuled: var(semic).