encapsuled: var(semic) consists of a conversation between Michelangelo, the artist known as encapsuled and Elisabeth Sweet grounded in philosophical texts by David Hume & Ludwig Wittgenstein. each movement culminates with a question inviting the algorithm made by...
encapsuled: var(semic) consists of a conversation between Michelangelo, the artist known as encapsuled and Elisabeth Sweet grounded in philosophical texts by David Hume & Ludwig Wittgenstein. each movement culminates with a question inviting the algorithm made by...
encapsuled: var(semic) consists of a conversation between Michelangelo, the artist known as encapsuled and Elisabeth Sweet grounded in philosophical texts by David Hume & Ludwig Wittgenstein. each movement culminates with a question inviting the algorithm made by...
//question by Elisabeth Sweet (ES), audiovisualverbal response by Katie Dozier. sound on. ES: It sounds like listening is a whole-body experience for you – your senses lock into the world and unlock a poem. Beyond the primary five (sight, smell, sound, touch, taste),...
for aurèce vettier: var (mount dialogue), Paul Mouginot (PM), founder of aurèce vettier and Elisabeth Sweet (ES) engaged in an experimental conversation which used René Daumal’s Mount Analogue as a map. dialogue technique: each line from the poem prompts ES to...
https://theverseverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/aurecevettier-line6-x.mp4 conVERSEverse { aurèce vettier: var (mount dialogue, line 6); // triangulated dialogue technique: each line from the poem prompts ES (Elisabeth Sweet) to create a dataset...