KHD: var(listen, q3)

KHD: var(listen, q3)

//question by Elisabeth Sweet (ES), audiovisualverbal response by Katie Dozier. sound on. ES: It sounds like listening is a whole-body experience for you – your senses lock into the world and unlock a poem. Beyond the primary five (sight, smell, sound, touch, taste),...
KHD: var(listen, q2)

KHD: var(listen, q2)

//question by Elisabeth Sweet (ES), audiovisualverbal response by Katie Dozier. sound on. ES: It sounds like listening is a whole-body experience for you – your senses lock into the world and unlock a poem. Beyond the primary five (sight, smell, sound, touch, taste),...
KHD: var(listen, q1)

KHD: var(listen, q1)

//question by Elisabeth Sweet (ES), audiovisualverbal response by Katie Dozier. sound on. ES: The ears are always open; we cannot close them. We hear the world around us, but that does not mean we listen. If we hear with our ears, what do we listen with?   KHD:...
aurèce vettier: var (mount dialogue)

aurèce vettier: var (mount dialogue)

for aurèce vettier: var (mount dialogue), Paul Mouginot (PM), founder of aurèce vettier and Elisabeth Sweet (ES) engaged in an experimental conversation which used René Daumal’s Mount Analogue as a map. dialogue technique: each line from the poem prompts ES to...