Gretta Louw is a South African-born Australian artist, writer, and curator based in Munich, Germany. Her practice investigates the tensions between sensuality and efficiency; craft and automation; constant digital connectedness and corporeal dislocation: in short, the technosphere and the biosphere. Louw is a graduate of the University of Western Australia and her work has been exhibited widely in public institutions and galleries such as Tang Contemporary (HK), Honor Fraser Gallery (US), Kunstmuseum Solothurn (CH), Münchner Stadtmuseum (DE), UNSW Galleries (AU), Furtherfield (UK), and LABoral (ES). She has been the recipient of numerous awards and her artwork and curatorial projects have been covered by press outlets including Tatler Magazine, Vogue Hong Kong, Hyperallergic, Kunstforum, Motherboard, AQNB Magazine, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and others.