
Mana Muscarsel Isla

Mana Muscarsel Isla is a transindisciplinary artist, writer, musician and activist. Born in Argentinian Patagonia in 1987, she migrated to Buenos Aires in 2006 and pursued a degree in psychology and specialized in Gender and Sexualities. Her artistics projects revolve around, surround or cross the lesbian existence, addressing and understanding its limitations and tensions, exploring eroticism and sexuality among and for friends. Childhood, playfulness, affections and the political power of imagination emerge from different supports. 

She published the poetry book La Ruptura No Será Televisada in Editorial Palíndroma (Mexico, 2020) and in Editorial Liliputienses (Spain 2022); in Argentina, the novel Casino Casa Grande in EME Editorial (2018), and the children’s book with original music Un regalo de Cuento in Editorial Muchas Nueces (2017). She is a composer and performer in her musical project Mana Isla.