Future Mythologies: Odys

Nathaniel Stern

Anne Spalter

Odysseus longs to feel present in his journeys.

Future Mythologies is a collaboration between Anne Spalter and Nathaniel Stern for theVERSEverse’s GenText series. It’s a series of 12 poems written in collaboration with text-based AIs, incorporated into videos produced with the help of text-to-image AI. Each explores a character from Greek mythology, with a sci-fi twist. Written and performed by Stern, sound and images by Spalter.


I don’t fear the unknown.
But I feel it.
The whole picture is:
as it were,
as it will be,
as it could be; it might be.

What… what… what do we have?
A body and mind and memory, as far as it goes.
The future is the past made present in longing.

Venturing into the beyond,
Bodies, and Minds, and Memories, as far as they go.