GPT-2 After Sol LeWitt

Robbie Barrat

Heavily inspired by the rule-based work of Sol LeWitt- Robbie Barrat used GPT-2, OpenAI’s language generation model, to generate text describing the rules of a drawing, which Barrat then follows to write a generative sketch, mirroring the mechanic of how Sol LeWitt’s rule cards were executed into wall drawings. Work completed in September 2019.

Featured in POÈME SBJKT, an exhibition of works of literature both on and off the blockchain that enhance, reinvent, and reimagine the relationship between text and image, analog and digital, blurring and challenging the lines that seek to divide.

POÈME SBJKT was curated by theVERSEverse in partnership with L’Avant Galerie Vossen and took place at Librairie Métamorphoses from May 25 – July 15, 2023.

Contact Librairie Métamorphoses for purchasing inquiries.