Future Mythologies: Medusa

Nathaniel Stern

Anne Spalter

Medusa overwrites tragedy with adventure.

Future Mythologies is a collaboration between Anne Spalter and Nathaniel Stern for theVERSEverse’s GenText series. It’s a series of 12 poems written in collaboration with text-based AIs, incorporated into videos produced with the help of text-to-image AI. Each explores a character from Greek mythology, with a sci-fi twist. Written and performed by Stern, sound and images by Spalter.


Splitting space, with her
snakes on a ship.
Journeying alone, her saving traces make
vestigial memories of the future.
The curse is her gift, and
this is her story:
a new mythology for a future of infinite spaces.
Medusa lost her hair, while
space lost its skin.
Each ugly head turned into a star, and the
stars turned into myths.