Future Mythologies: Penny

Nathaniel Stern

Anne Spalter

Penelope tires of waiting and weaving for Oydsseus, and instead takes flight.

Future Mythologies is a collaboration between Anne Spalter and Nathaniel Stern for theVERSEverse’s GenText series. It’s a series of 12 poems written in collaboration with text-based AIs, incorporated into videos produced with the help of text-to-image AI. Each explores a character from Greek mythology, with a sci-fi twist. Written and performed by Stern, video art by Spalter.


Waiting for the future
Please hold this thread as I fly away
Please hold the line; I’ve been waiting
Just one more minute?
Imagining, Imaginal, Image, Imaging
I’m aging

I’m fraying, I’m frying, I’m going
Up-up-up and away -way -way!
I’m of the age
I’m of this age, I’m of age
I’m a mage
without: spell, bewitchment, witching, witched
I’m a woman of the mind. I’m a woman of memory.
I’m Penelope: no longer waiting
Instead, flying