Ana Maria Caballero

Rule Book (2021, Edition of 1)

A spoken word, media-rich poem by award-winning poet Ana Maria Caballero. From Caballero’s new manuscript, MAMMAL, which explores how biology delimits cultural rites. Her signature, straightforward verse gives voice to what’s left unsaid in that all-important space of home.

Rule Book

This is the way I cut the grass:

  • Green limbs
    We tug
    You yank / I haul

This is the way I fill the tub:

  • I forgot the bubbles
    Liquid structures
    A limpid bath

This is the way I pour the milk:

  • Having kids is hard
    Having kids is effing hard
    I no longer say fuck
    Or fucking hard

This is the way I name my files:

  • No comfort is found in your mouth
    My problems are earned
    I am a poor navigator of life
    Ask for more / you take the bone
    Your job to slate / mine to record

I administer home:

  • Yet remain
    Secretary of the Board