One of six unique works in “A PICTURE OF MY MIND: Poems Written by Allen Ginsberg’s Photographs,” theVERSEverse’s inaugural collection of ekphrastic poetry using natural language processing technology and text-to-image/image-to-text techniques to respond to the iconic words and images of the legendary Beat poet. Presented at UNIT London’s online exhibition from 15 November — 12 December, 2023.
Developed in conjunction with The Fahey/Klein Gallery on the occasion of the exhibition “Muses & Self: Photographs by Allen Ginsberg,” in partnership with the Allen Ginsberg Estate, theVERSEverse member Ross Goodwin, UNIT London, and the support of the Tezos Foundation.
Available to collect via UNIT London.
Who can capture
the fleeting essence
of such a moment,
fragments of the infinite?
Glasses reflecting
the enigma of India,
a cigarette burning slowly
as our lives together.
Peter, buttoned and brooding,
a mirror to my own curiosity.
Who can forget
two souls
adrift in time, space,
the endless pursuit
of the poetic?
faithful companion –
hold our hands!
– theVERSEverse after Allen Ginsberg, “Calcutta Self-Portrait with Peter Orlovsky, 1962”