Kalen Iwamoto

HASHTAGRAPHY Hashtagraphy is a diptych of patchwork poems culled from Twitter using the ETH and XTZ hashtags, and minted on their respective blockchains. Text by Kalen Iwamoto. Visuals and music by Julien Silvano.  

aurèce vettier

we are the trees This series of 5 poems always begins with the same sentence : « we are the trees ». GPT-3 algorithms were confronted to verses from aurèce vettier’s Elegia Machina (2021), intimate travel memories and description of scents, fragments from J.L. Borges...

Ana Maria Caballero

MAMMAL MAMMAL, Caballero’s latest manuscript, explores how biology delimits cultural rites. It was designated as a Manuscript of Exceptional Merit by Tupelo Press. Caballero’s award-winning work rips the veil off of romanticized motherhood and challenges the notion...